Our solution for tooth wear.
F.I.T. Forma® Injection Technique
F.I.T. is a unique solution for treating patients with tooth wear. This no-prep technique uses a direct injectable nano-filled composite for a perfect total rehabilitation. Creating the ideal morphology has never been easier.
Amaze your patients with this fast, easy, efficient, and predictable solution offered as a complete package!
Webinars and/or Hands-on Trainning
We regularly organize online and physical hands-on courses or introductory webinars. During the hands-on course, the treatment of incisal and occlusal wear is addressed step by step in the demonstration. For an overview of our F.I.T. courses, please refer to our website.
Case reports
Dentist Lauranne Vandendael shares her clinical experience with the treatment of F.I.T. in a Case Report Forma® Injection Technique. The outcome of this case: a grateful patient with a beautiful smile. Read all about the process, the treatment, and the results in the detailed Case Report.
For comprehensive information about Forma® Injection Technique and the one-stop-shop experience, you can read our extensive brochure, which you can download via the link below.
With the F.I.T. kit, you’ll get a one-stop-shop experience. You’ll receive a complete package with all the tools and products needed for this procedure:
- ElyseeView diagnostics
- Putty mold for full wax-up for mock-up (optional)
- Temporary composite in cartridge for mock-up (optional)
- 3D printed models, full & alternating with transparent injection keys
- Direct injectable composite syringes in the correct color
- Teflon tape for isolating adjacent teeth
- Metal strips for finishing interproximal contact points
- Polishing rubbers for finishing and polishing the composite
Read your colleague’s experience.
Dr. Lauranne Vandendael:
“We are very enthusiastic about the FIT solution. I followed the FIT hands-on course first which is a perfect way to get to know the procedure, tips and tricks.
It’s advisable to foresee enough treatment time for full rehabilitations. Although the indication was occlusal wear, the outcome is always very aesthetical and life-changing for the patient.”