

Crown and Bridge Work

The monolithic crowns and bridges from Elysee Dental belong to the latest generation of zirconium oxides. They offer advanced properties that provide practitioners with the flexibility to treat almost any patient.

Monolithic zirconium is excellent for creating full-anatomical restorations.

If you want more information about this product, you can download our MonoZir® brochure or schedule an appointment with one of our account managers.

Material Properties:
MonoZir® zirconium crowns and bridges are nearly unbreakable. Where conventional ceramics can sometimes crack or chip, this is a thing of the past with MonoZir®. Studies have shown that properly treated zirconium oxide surfaces spare antagonists. If repolishing is required after careful grinding (available optionally as a set from Elysee Dental), the use of special polishing rubbers will once again result in the desired high-gloss surface.


Thanks to the characteristics of this versatile material, its use is possible throughout the entire posterior area. Depending on the patient and under certain conditions, it can also be used in the anterior area.

For a long time, metal ceramics were the standard for the veneering of crowns because veneering porcelain alone did not possess the necessary material properties. Research and development have since shown that the use of monolithic zirconium often eliminates the need for veneering.

The result is a lifelike esthetic combined with excellent stability. Elysee Dental only uses materials from renowned manufacturers in Europe, the USA, and Japan.

Optimally invasive

Monolithic zirconium is highly suitable for creating full-anatomical restorations. To achieve good aesthetics, significantly less enamel and dentin need to be removed compared to conventional porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) crowns. A minimal wall thickness of only 0.5 mm is sufficient to achieve remarkable strength and translucency.

This makes it possible to provide demanding aesthetic care even in cases with limited space or tooth structure available.


The ideal stump preparation should be smooth and free of sharp edges or grooves. Light chamfer preparation is recommended. The best results are achieved by achieving an occlusal reduction of 0.8 mm – 7.2 mm of the tooth to be restored, and a thickness of approximately 0.5 mm to 7.0 mm all around. In some cases, smaller layer thicknesses may also be possible. Pay special attention to the insertion direction, especially in the case of bridges.